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Pregnancy brain: Fact or Urban legend


Pregnancy brain “Pregnancy brain” or pregnancy dementia is actually a phenomenon experienced by many women during pregnancy. It refers to the temporary changes in cognitive functions, such as memory, difficulty concentrating or being very forgetful, and the ability to process information, that some women experience during pregnancy. Although not all women suffer from pregnancy dementia, […]

Pregnant & Nauseous? Tips how to survive

zwanger misselijk

8 out of 10 women experience nausea at the start of their pregnancy. It usually starts between the 4th and 7th week of pregnancy. Many women have the most complaints around the 9th week of pregnancy. You can feel nauseous all day, or only in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are […]

Baby checklist | What you need for a baby

pregnant what need for baby

What do you need for a baby? Can you still see the forest for the trees? Then you are probably one of the few 🙂 We often hear from mothers that they only realize afterwards how many different (unnecessary) things you buy when you are pregnant for the first time! So here is a minimalist […]

When to buy baby products?

when buy baby products

When should you buy baby products for your little one? | How long do you need these products? Many parents don’t know when to start buying baby supplies for the upcoming baby. An even more complicated question to ask is, and it is often forgotten, “How long do you need this stuff?”. Because baby items […]

Small baby room inspiration

Kleine babykamer inspiratie

4 ideas to decorate a small baby room  Ideally you want a spacious bedroom for your child, but this depends entirely on the layout of your house. A consolation, you can also furnish a small baby room super cool, only you have to deal with the space a little more creatively. “Challenge accepted!” Below we […]

Second-hand Maxi Cosi safe?

Second-hand Maxi Cosi safe

Is it safe to use a second-hand Maxi Cosi? We often get this question and to give a straight forward answer: Yes, it is safe to use a second-hand Maxi Cosi, provided the car seat meets a number of safety conditions. At BabyLoop, we always carry out a number of safety checks to ensure that […]

Second child | How to tell your toddler

Second child

Second child | How do you tell this to your toddler? Mama, what’s in your belly? ⁠🍊 ⁠⠀ You’re expecting your second child – but how do you tell a toddler that a brother or sister is coming? Hereby a handful of tips on how to involve your child in the pregnancy and avoid jealousy: […]

Tips for a relaxed maternity period

Maternity period tips

Tips for a relaxed maternity period It’s probably not always as peaceful as in this photo during the maternity period 💤 That’s why we have 5 tips for you and your partner to get through the first period with your little one 🐥⁠  🍼Don’t be sad if breastfeeding doesn’t work! Sometimes it just doesn’t work […]

Baby products second child

products second child

Baby products #2 | 5 most missed products after baby 1 In principle, you probably already gathered the basics for your trousseau before your first baby. But what are those little extras that allow you to spoil a second or third baby and which items do you need additionally when having a second child? If […]

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